Embracing the Messiness in Search of Epic Solutions

Tag: IntelliJ IDEA

  • IntelliJ: Preventing Wildcard Imports

    PROBLEM I have been getting the following PMD warning that I can’t seem to suppress with PMD’s @SuppressWarnings The reason I’m getting this warning is because IntelliJ will automatically replace all single imports from the same package with a wildcard ‘*’ when the class count hits a certain limit. By using wildcard imports, it also… Read More…

  • IntelliJ: Configuring SVN Ignored Files

    OVERVIEW Whenever we share a project in SVN or checks out a project from SVN, we have to perform a one-time configuration on the project to ignore selected files from being committed into SVN. That said, this configuration will only work if the files are not already in SVN. PROBLEM Let’s assume we have a… Read More…

  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space When Running Maven on IntelliJ

    NOTE This is not a Groovy related problem, but I’m using it to illustrate my problem and solution here. PROBLEM I recently tried mixing some Groovy code into my existing JEE project. I created a simple POGO that looks as sophisticated as this:- Then, I configured one of my controllers to invoke that POGO:- After… Read More…

  • Understanding How Maven Dependencies Work

    Let’s assume we have the following dependencies:- In this example, both dbunit and spring-core have a dependency on commons-logging, but they rely on a different version:- Based on the above configuration, what version of commons-logging does Maven choose? If your answer is v1.1.1, then you are absolutely right…. that you need to read the Maven… Read More…