Tag: Hibernate
MS SQL Server + Hibernate 5: Incorrect syntax near ‘@P0’
PROBLEM When upgrading to Hibernate 5, the following exception is thrown:- SOLUTION Change the MS SQL Server dialect from this… … to this … Read More…
Developing against H2 Database: Lesson Learned
While my production database is MS SQL Server, I have been using H2 database for rapid local development. I wrote my DDL scripts as “Transact-SQL” as possible so that I don’t need to maintain multiple DDL scripts for each database. So far, it has been working out great. My web development runs against H2’s file-based… Read More…
Jadira Usertype: Under JDK 6 it may not be possible to handle DST transitions correctly
PROBLEM When saving a Hibernate entity that contains Joda Time object, Jadira UserType throws the following warning:- This warning occurs when using this version:- SOLUTION Upgrade Jadira Usertype to the latest version, and the problem goes away:- Read More…
Hibernate + Joda Time: Auto Registering Type
OVERVIEW Jadira Usertype is required when using Joda Time with Hibernate 4. The Joda Time objects are annotated accordingly in the Hibernate entity, and they looks something like this:- PROBLEM This solution works, but it is rather tedious because I can never remember the actual @Type to write, thus I always end up copying and… Read More…
Hibernate: Migrating from XML-Based Configuration to Annotation-Based Configuration
Overview At some point of time, as your project scope grows, the Hibernate mapping XML files are going to get to a point where it becomes very difficult to maintain. This is where the annotation-based configuration comes in. It took me a few years to convince myself that annotation-based configuration is the way to go.… Read More…
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax/persistence/OneToMany.orphanRemoval()Z
PROBLEM You configure Hibernate using annotations and set orphanRemoval property in @OneToMany. When you run the application, the application server throws the following exception:- In my case, I’m getting this exception when I run on Websphere Application Server (WAS) 7.5. SOLUTION The orphanRemoval property in @OneToMany requires JPA 2.x to work. If you already have… Read More…