Embracing the Messiness in Search of Epic Solutions

Tag: Homebrew

  • Ansible: Handling Sudo Password with Homebrew

    Problem When using the Ansible playbook to run Homebrew-related modules, it will prompt for a sudo password where necessary on specific tasks. For example, using the community.general.homebrew_cask module to (un)install the apps under /Applications directory will prompt for a sudo password on each app. It is not possible to preemptively prompt for a sudo password… Read More…

  • Homebrew: “Invalid Multibyte Escape” Error

    PROBLEM When running brew on OS X Maverick, you get this error:- SOLUTION After upgrading to OS X Mavericks, the default version of Ruby is v2.0, causing Homebrew to break because it relies on v1.8. See issue #23655 for more information. To fix this, run the following command:- If you are getting the “Permission Denied”… Read More…

  • “tree” Command on Mac OS X

    So, I have been drawing the ASCII file structure tree by hand lately… and that is dumb and time consuming. After digging around, I found a great way to do so. First, if you don’t have Homebrew, install it first. Run the following command to install the tree command:- Now, you can run the following… Read More…