Tag: Spring MVC Test Framework
MockMvc : Circular view path [view]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/view] again
PROBLEM Let’s assume we want to test this controller:- Here’s the test file:- When executing this test, we get the following error:- SOLUTION The reason this is happening is because the uri “/help” matches the returned view name “help” and we didn’t set a ViewResolver when constructing the standalone MockMvc. Since MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(…) doesn’t load Spring… Read More…
MockMvc + Mockito = Epic Tests
Spring Framework 3.2 introduces a very elegant way to test Spring MVC controller using MockMvc. Based on the documentation, there are two ways to configure MockMvc:- The first approach will automatically load the Spring configuration and inject WebApplicationContext into the test. The second approach does not load the Spring configuration. While both options work, my… Read More…
How to Unit Test Spring MVC Controller
SCENARIO Let’s assume we have the following controller that needs to be tested:- SOLUTION 1: “Works but It Won’t Get You the Promotion” This working solution relies on:- While this solution works, but it has a few problems. This test case strictly tests the actual controller API, but it completely disregards the URI and request… Read More…