Tag: JaCoCo Maven Plugin
JaCoCo Web Report Not Rendering Properly in GitHub Pages
PROBLEM When pushing JaCoCo web report to GitHub’s gh-pages branch, it does not render properly on the web. For example:- The GitHub pages are powered by Jekyll. By default, Jekyll does not allow directories or files that begin with a dot, pound sign, tilde or underscore. Since JaCoCo places all the image and CSS files… Read More…
Intellij v13.1 Bug: NoClassDefFoundError when Running Unit Test With JaCoCo Configured
If you are using IntelliJ and your Maven project relies on JaCoCo Maven Plugin, please consider voting up issue IDEA-122895 to get it fixed by JetBrain as soon as possible. Even if you are not using IntelliJ or JaCoCo, but you find this shitty blog to be helpful, please consider voting up this issue to… Read More…