Tag: Linux
RPM: Performing Offline Installation
PROBLEM To perform an offline (or airgapped) installation, sometimes it’s not sufficient to download just the needed RPM package. In most cases, this package requires a list of dependencies to be installed too. For example, Nginx requires at least 20 different packages in order for its installation to be successful:- SOLUTION The first step to… Read More…
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
PROBLEM When creating a compressed archive file:- … the following error is thrown:- SOLUTION This error usually occurs due to permission issues. However, the error messages are hidden beneath gobs of output activated by the verbose flag. To fix this, reduce the output by removing the -v flag:- … and now, the error message appears:-… Read More…
Git + Linux: (gnome-ssh-askpass:24871): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
PROBLEM When running git clone on Linux, the following error appears:- SOLUTION To fix this, run the following command to disable gnome-ssh-askpass:- Now, git clone will work just fine:- To prevent this from happening again, add unset SSH_ASKPASS command to .bashrc file. Read More…
Linux: Locating Java Home Directory
If you have multiple versions of Java installed, you can run which command to determine the full path of the command. To quickly navigate to Java’s home directory, you can do something like this:- Read More…