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Feign + Eureka: UnknownHostException when Attempting to Invoke a Service





When attempting use Feign to invoke a service through Eureka, the following exception occurs:-

MY-HOST-NAME executing GET http://donkey-kong-service/throw/barrels/10
feign.RetryableException: MY-HOST-NAME executing GET http://donkey-kong-service/throw/barrels/10
	at feign.FeignException.errorExecuting(FeignException.java:84)
	at feign.SynchronousMethodHandler.executeAndDecode(SynchronousMethodHandler.java:113)
Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: MY-HOST-NAME
		at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:184)


Go to the donkey-kong-service app and add the following line to the application.properties:-


Now, when Feign tries to invoke the service, the IP address will be used instead of the OS’ reported hostname.


One response to “Feign + Eureka: UnknownHostException when Attempting to Invoke a Service”

  1. dsagy Avatar

    Feign is not able to resolve service name with IP address. E.g Feign trying to request http://registrationServices/api/registration-services/registrationId , where registrationServices is service registered with Eureka and name of Fiegn client .

    I have also set eureka.instance.preferIpAddress=true in registration services and its reflecting in Eureka , but somehow Fiegn is not able to resolve it.

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