Embracing the Messiness in Search of Epic Solutions

Maven: Bundling and Unpacking Native Libraries




Steps to bundle the native libraries to be pushed to Nexus, and to unpack the native libraries on mvn package.

Bundling Native Libraries into a JAR File

Let’s assume we have the following native libraries for multiple platforms:-

tree native

├── linux
│   ├── x86
│   │   └── libnative_synchronization.so
│   └── x86_64
│       └── libnative_synchronization.so
├── macosx
│   └── libnative_synchronization.jnilib
└── win32
    ├── x86
    │   └── native_synchronization.dll
    └── x86_64
        └── native_synchronization.dll

Create a jar that contains these native libraries. The -C options prevents the native folder from being created in the JAR file.

jar cMf my-project-native.jar -C native .

Pushing JAR to Nexus

When pushing this native JAR file to Nexus, make sure to use the natives-* classifier. In this example, I called it natives-all.


Configuring pom.xml

First, add LWJGL and the native JAR dependencies.


Then, add the following plugin:-


This plugin searches for dependencies with natives-* classifier and unpacks the content to target/natives folder.


Run mvn clean package.

Inspect target/natives. The native libraries should be unpacked here:-

├── OpenAL32.dll
├── OpenAL64.dll
├── jinput-dx8.dll
├── jinput-dx8_64.dll
├── jinput-raw.dll
├── jinput-raw_64.dll
├── jinput-wintab.dll
├── libjinput-linux.so
├── libjinput-linux64.so
├── libjinput-osx.jnilib
├── liblwjgl.dylib
├── liblwjgl.so
├── liblwjgl64.so
├── libopenal.so
├── libopenal64.so
├── linux
│   ├── x86
│   │   └── libnative_synchronization.so
│   └── x86_64
│       └── libnative_synchronization.so
├── lwjgl.dll
├── lwjgl64.dll
├── macosx
│   └── libnative_synchronization.jnilib
├── openal.dylib
└── win32
    ├── x86
    │   └── native_synchronization.dll
    └── x86_64
        └── native_synchronization.dll


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