There are many different ways to implement a caching mechanism. Google’s Guava provides very simple and elegant solutions to do so.
OPTION 1: Caching using Supplier
If you want to cache just one thing, Supplier should satisfy that requirement.
private Supplier<Collection<Person>> allEmployeesCache = Suppliers.memoizeWithExpiration(
new Supplier<Collection<Person>>() {
public Collection<Person> get() {
return makeExpensiveCallToGetAllEmployees();
}, 1, TimeUnit.DAYS);
public Collection<Person> getAllEmployees() {
return allEmployeesCache.get();
In the above example, we cache all employees for a day.
OPTION 2: Caching using LoadingCache
If you want to cache multiple things (ex: think Hashmap-like), LoadingCache should satisfy that requirement.
private LoadingCache<String, Collection<Person>> employeeRoleLoadingCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)
.build(new CacheLoader<String, Collection<Person>>() {
public Collection<Person> load(String roleName) throws Exception {
return makeExpensiveCallToGetAllEmployeesByRoleName(roleName);
public Collection<Person> getAllEmployeesByRole(String roleName) {
return employeeRoleLoadingCache.getUnchecked(roleName);
In the above example, we cache all employees for each given role for a day. Further, we configure the cache to store up to 1000 elements before evicting the older cached element.
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