Embracing the Messiness in Search of Epic Solutions

Terraform: Updating State Using “Moved” Block




This post illustrates how you can rename existing resources or restructure the Terraform codebase without destroying and recreating the resources using moved block introduced in Terraform 1.1. It also explains some limitations using this new construct.


Using a simple resource block below as an example…

resource "random_pet" "current" {}

On apply, one resource is created and the state now tracks that resource.

$ terraform state list

When changing the resource name from current to new

resource "random_pet" "new" {}

The generated plan indicates the resource will be destroyed and recreated, which may cause potential data loss (ex: if the resource is a database) or unintended ripple effects (because the resource ID has changed).

In this case, congratulations! We have become pet killers.

# random_pet.current will be destroyed
# (because random_pet.current is not in configuration)
- resource "random_pet" "current" {
    - id        = "willing-fowl" -> null
    - length    = 2 -> null
    - separator = "-" -> null

# random_pet.new will be created
+ resource "random_pet" "new" {
    + id        = (known after apply)
    + length    = 2
    + separator = "-"

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Solving With Terraform Earlier Than 1.1

Before Terraform 1.1, the only way to change the resource name without recreating the resource is to use terraform state mv.

$ terraform state mv random_pet.current random_pet.new
Move "random_pet.current" to "random_pet.new"
Successfully moved 1 object(s).

We can also verify that the resource name has changed in the state.

$ terraform state list

Solving With Terraform 1.1

Terraform 1.1 introduced moved block where the state change process can be done directly in Terraform source code without using terraform state mv.

To pull this off, we changed the resource name from current to new. Then, a moved block is added to facilitate the state change without affecting the provisioned resource.

resource "random_pet" "new" {}

moved {
  from = random_pet.current
  to   = random_pet.new

Now, we can verify the generated plan to ensure the provisioned resource does not get destroyed and recreated before applying the move.

# random_pet.current has moved to random_pet.new
resource "random_pet" "new" {
  id = "willing-fowl"
  # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

The state should have the updated resource name.

$ terraform state list

So, what if the moved block is left in the codebase, and we do another plan or apply?

$ terraform apply
random_pet.new: Refreshing state... [id=willing-fowl]

No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.

Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed.

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

As you can see, leaving the moved block in the codebase does not affect the state or the resource, and Terraform is smart enough to ignore it. In another word, once the “move” has occurred, we can safely remove the moved block.


Let’s try something a little more complicated.

Let’s assume we have 3 random pets where we call the resource block 3 times. Perhaps, you inherited the old codebase from pre v0.13 days where for_each construct was not introduced yet.

resource "random_pet" "a" {}
resource "random_pet" "b" {}
resource "random_pet" "c" {}

Here’s how the state looks like.

$ terraform state list

Let’s assume we want to refactor the existing codebase to leverage the for_each construct.

resource "random_pet" "main" {
  for_each = toset(["a", "b", "c"])

Solving With Terraform Earlier Than 1.1

With older version of Terraform, we have to perform the following terraform state mv 3 times.

$ terraform state mv random_pet.a 'random_pet.main["a"]' 
Move "random_pet.a" to "random_pet.main[\"a\"]"
Successfully moved 1 object(s).

$ terraform state mv random_pet.b 'random_pet.main["b"]' 
Move "random_pet.b" to "random_pet.main[\"b\"]"
Successfully moved 1 object(s).

$ terraform state mv random_pet.c 'random_pet.main["c"]' 
Move "random_pet.c" to "random_pet.main[\"c\"]"
Successfully moved 1 object(s).
$ terraform state list 

Solving With Terraform 1.1

To pull this off with Terraform 1.1, we call the moved block 3 times.

resource "random_pet" "main" {
  for_each = toset(["a", "b", "c"])

moved {
  from = random_pet.a
  to   = random_pet.main["a"]

moved {
  from = random_pet.b
  to   = random_pet.main["b"]

moved {
  from = random_pet.c
  to   = random_pet.main["c"]

In the generated plan, we want to verify that there are no changes made to the provisioned resources before applying changing the state.

# random_pet.a has moved to random_pet.main["a"]
resource "random_pet" "main" {
  id = "poetic-collie"
  # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

# random_pet.b has moved to random_pet.main["b"]
resource "random_pet" "main" {
  id = "glad-lobster"
  # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

# random_pet.c has moved to random_pet.main["c"]
resource "random_pet" "main" {
  id = "suited-fly"
  # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

As you can see, we end up with the same outcome.

$ terraform state list

The upside is we can still stick with our terraform apply to adjust the state without using terraform state mv.


It’s worth pointing out that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows here.

The moved block solves just part of the state manipulation problems, and you may still need to use terraform state [action] for other use cases (at least with Terraform 1.1.x).

Limitation #1: Removing Resources(s) from State

In rare cases, you may want Terraform to stop tracking a resource in its state file. Perhaps, you run into a race condition problem when attempting to destroy the resources, which prevents Terraform from completing the process successfully. As a result, all resources are fully destroyed (via “eventual consistency”) but unfortunately, a few non-existent resources are still being tracked in the Terraform’s state file.

In this case, you can’t remove the resource from the state by assigning an empty string…

moved {
  from = random_pet.current
  to   = ""
$ terraform apply
│ Error: Invalid expression
│   on main.tf line 21, in moved:
│   21:   to   = ""
│ A single static variable reference is required: only attribute access and indexing with constant keys. No calculations, function calls, template expressions, etc are
│ allowed here.

… or to null

moved {
  from = random_pet.current
  to   = null
$ terraform apply
│ Error: Invalid address
│   on main.tf line 21, in moved:
│   21:   to   = null
│ Resource specification must include a resource type and name.

The only way to pull this off is to use terraform state rm.

$ terraform state rm random_pet.current
Removed random_pet.current
Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).

Limitation #2: Moving Resource(s) Between State Files

The moved block allows us to rename resource or restructure our codebase all within the same state file. However, it is not possible to move resources from one state file to another state file.

For example, let’s assume we have one Terraform workspace that manages the following 3 resources.

# workspace A

resource "google_folder" "a" {
  parent       = "folders/123456789012"
  display_name = "a"

resource "google_folder" "b" {
  parent       = "folders/123456789012"
  display_name = "b"

resource "google_folder" "c" {
  parent       = "folders/123456789012"
  display_name = "c"

… and we want to move resource c to another workspace.

# Workspace A

resource "google_folder" "a" {
  parent       = "folders/123456789012"
  display_name = "a"

resource "google_folder" "b" {
  parent       = "folders/123456789012"
  display_name = "b"
# Workspace B

resource "google_folder" "c" {
  parent       = "folders/123456789012"
  display_name = "c"

The only way to pull this off is to identify the resource ID for c in workspace A first…

# Workspace A

$ terraform state show google_folder.c
# google_folder.c:
resource "google_folder" "c" {
  create_time     = "2022-04-30T15:00:29.114Z"
  display_name    = "c"
  folder_id       = "999999999999"
  id              = "folders/999999999999"
  lifecycle_state = "ACTIVE"
  name            = "folders/999999999999"
  parent          = "folders/123456789012"

Then, remove that resource from workspace A’s state.

# Workspace A

$ terraform state rm google_folder.c
Removed google_folder.c
Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).

Finally, import the resource in workspace B’s state.

# Workspace B

$ terraform import google_folder.c folders/999999999999
google_folder.c: Importing from ID "folders/999999999999"...
google_folder.c: Import prepared!
  Prepared google_folder for import
google_folder.c: Refreshing state... [id=folders/999999999999]

Import successful!

The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.



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