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LdapTemplate: AttributesMapper vs ContextMapper




When using Spring’s LdapTemplate, there are two ways to transform the queried results: AttributesMapper and ContextMapper.

List<mybean> list = ldapTemplate.search(
    // AttributesMapper or ContextMapper

Here’s the comparison between these mapper classes.


If you are migrating your existing LDAP queries to Spring’s LdapTemplate, AttributesMapper seems ideal because you can copy most of the code over because it provides javax.naming.directory.Attributes.

List<mybean> list = ldapTemplate.search(
    new AttributesMapper<mybean>() {
        MyBean mapFromAttributes(final Attributes attributes) throws NamingException {
            return new MyBean(
                cn: attributes.get('cn')?.get(),
                members: attributes.get('member')?.getAll()?.toSet() as Set<string> ?: []

However, you have to handle possible null values if the attribute keys do not exist.


With ContextMapper, it handles null values for us. Spring also provides an abstract class called AbstractContextMapper to further simplify the code.

List<mybean> list = ldapTemplate.search(
    new AbstractContextMapper<mybean>() {
        protected MyBean doMapFromContext(final DirContextOperations ctx) {
            return new MyBean(
                cn: ctx.getStringAttribute('cn'),
                members: ctx.getStringAttributes('member')



One response to “LdapTemplate: AttributesMapper vs ContextMapper”

  1. bgriffiniv Avatar

    Thank you for this simple explanation. Have you tested the performance of each method? Does one handle larger directory structures, larger result sets, or more complex mappings better than the other?

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