Embracing the Messiness in Search of Epic Solutions

Maven: Deploying Generated Site to GitHub




GitHub provides an incredible feature that allows us to easily push Maven generated site to our project’s GitHub repository.

Here’s how to do it…

STEP 1: Define GitHub credential

Go to ~/.m2/settings.xml and add your GitHub username and password:-

<settings ...="">

STEP 2: Define GitHub’s site-maven-plugin

GitHub provides its own site-maven-plugin that can be used to deploy a Maven generated site to a gh-pages branch so that it can be served statically as a GitHub Project Page.

In pom.xml, add the following plugin configuration:-

<project ...="">
                    <message>Creating site for ${project.version}</message>

STEP 3: Define project URL

In pom.xml, define <url> tag that points to the project’s GitHub repository.

<project ...="">

If this is not defined, Maven will throw the following error when executing mvn clean site:-

Failed to execute goal com.github.github:site-maven-plugin:0.11:site
(default) on project PROJECT-NAME: No GitHub repository (owner and
name) configured -&gt; [Help 1]

STEP 4: Generate Maven site and push to GitHub

Finally, run the following command: mvn clean site.

The generated site can be viewed from https://USERNAME.github.io/PROJECT-NAME/ .

That’s it…. very simple.



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